Your most sexy body part is your mind.
Train your brain! Wie wäre es, Meditation einfach als Training für dein Gehirn zu betrachten? Denn ja, Mediation verändert die Struktur deines Gehirns zum Positiven!
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Sue McGreevey in The Haward Gazette (2011): Meditation study shows changes associated with awareness, stress
International Library of Medicine (2003): Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation
International Library of Medicine (2003): Meditation and Music Improve Memory and Cognitive Function in Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
PLOS ONE (2015): Relaxation Response and Resiliency Training and Its Effect on Healthcare Resource Utilization
Shawn Wood in The University of Utah (2013): Better Living through Mindfulness
Esanum (2015): Wie Meditation das Gehirn strukturell verändern kann
Utopia (2015): Studie beweist: Wer Yoga macht und meditiert, lebt gesünder